* Cara * Cara * Cara * Cara * Cara *


keittämiseen, uuniperuna, ranskanperuna, paistinperuna
Siemenen alkuperä:
säilytyslajike, Kalevi Tikka, Kitee, 2012
Lajikkeesta kirjoitettu
Oval-round, pinkish, red-eyed tubers with soft moist flesh that is excellent for baking and chipping. Maincrop potato 'Cara' has excellent disease resistance, including golden eelworm and blight, and withstands drought well. An allotment favourite! Height and spread: 60cm (24"). Please note: Potato 'Cara' CANNOT be sent to Northern Ireland or Eire.

Cara seed potatoes are still one of the most popular maincrop varieties due to their excellent resistance to blight. Cara tubers are round with white skin and pink eyes. They are a very robust variety and have excellent drought resistance as well as good all round disease resistance.
Good Blight Resistance
Good Scab Resistance
Good Slug Resistance


kirjoita kommentti:

onko sama lajike kuin samanniminen brittiläisessä siemenkaupassa?